Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that supports your skin from the cellular level, contributing to texture, healing, and even skin tone.
Our skin is our bodies’ protection from the constant onslaught of the outside world. It’s our first line of defense. That’s why it so clearly shows our age. It’s the organ that collects the brunt of the damage to protect our internal organs. We need healthy skin to keep us healthy inside.
Conversely, poor health on the inside shows on the outside. It’s hard to look good if you don’t feel good.
Vitamin C supports the skin in four major ways.
Collagen Production
You need Vitamin C to make collagen, the most abundant structural protein in your body that keeps skin firm. Collagen production slows as we age, and so many hazards we’re exposed to on a regular basis damages the collaged we do produce. Supplementing Vitamin C helps make sure your body has enough materials to make collagen. Studies have shown that supplementing with Vitamin C can lessen wrinkle depth and increase collagen formation.
Mitigating Sun Damage
Sunburn kills skin cells and chronic UV overexposure unleashes free radicals that damage collagen, alter pigmentation, and thin the outer layer of our skin. As a potent antioxidant, Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals to help maintain skin appearance. Your body needs Vitamin C after sun exposure so badly that it actually increases Vitamin C receptors in the skin to maximize uptake.
Skin Texture
Skin roughness and dryness mean the skin is losing its moisture barrier function. Roughness is often due to exposure to UV radiation and chemicals while weather factors like extreme temperatures, low humidity, and wind can cause dry skin. Numerous studies have found that Vitamin C is a requirement to produce barrier lipids.
Skin Healing
Excessive scar formation and thickening, rough skin is indicative of poor wound healing that is a direct effect of Vitamin C deficiency. Researchers have found that Vitamin C can lessen the appearance of scars.
How to Use Vitamin C for Skin
While so many Vitamin C serums and creams are available for topical application, supplementing Vitamin C is an excellent way to ensure your body has the right nutrients in the right places. Collagen production occurs in a deeper layer of the skin where topical applications may not reach.
Multiple studies have found elevated levels of Vitamin C in the skin following supplementation>.
Also, your health shows on your skin. An unhealthy inside, low in immune-supporting Vitamin C, will not appear healthy on the outside. Applying Vitamin C only to the skin may be literally masking the problem.
A recent double-blind, randomized, controlled trial showed one to three packets of Lypo-Spheric® Vitamin C a day reduced the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in just four weeks.