Acid blocker use is associated with depleted levels of several critical vitamins and minerals. Learn which ones and how to avoid depletion.
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Maximize vitamin absorption by pairing nutrients, maintaining gut health, supplementing in proper doses, and knowing what causes malabsorption.
Vitamins C, D, and A have been shown to increase T cells, lymphocytes that you need for a normal immune system response. Learn the details.
Stress, poor sleep, unhealthy diet, and bad habits diminish your immunity. Find out all the lifestyle factors that weaken the immune system.
Common prescription and over-the-counter medications can lower Vitamin C levels in your immune system cells. Learn which drugs can deplete Vitamin C.
We need Vitamin C for our bodies to function the way they are supposed to. We need Vitamin C supplements to offset the damage of daily life.
Free radicals come from some foods, drugs, alcohol, and environmental contaminants. Learn the details of what causes free radicals in the body and how to prevent damage.
Vitamin C every day is vital to the immune system. Take your daily Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C supplement in this immune smoothie.
Excess sugar consumption depletes vitamins and minerals. Discover why too manu sugar is so damaging to certain nutrients and what to do about it.
Obesity interferes with proper immune function, increasing risks of infection and poor health outcomes. Learn the specifics.
Various blood pressure medications deplete vitamins and minerals. Find how which blood pressure medications affect levels of which nutrients.
Your immune system requires vitamins and minerals to function as it should and protect you from threats. Learn which nutrients support your immune system.